Download LVStudio for your device

Download the latest version of LVStudio for your device below.

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For iOS

Current App Alerts:
THE MOST CURRENT iOS App Version is 1.5.6

Some existing features including  Content Download were removed temporarily due to major software architecture changes.  We expect the features to be added back by shortly.  Please also see the following advisories that we are currently aware of:

1. Video appears very small when using LVPro2.  When using LVPro2, video is very small in the App window.  This issue is caused by LVPro2 auto-rotate setting.  When the camera is turned on lying flat on the table, it is registered as landscape mode and LVPro2 will send video in Landscape mode.LVStudio however forces Portrait mode from the LVPro2 to be able to use AI mode.  The result from camera sending landscape and LVPro forcing Portrait is a very small video image.  Resolution: make sure LVPro2 is standing up vertically when power on.  There is a Firmware update  FW 3.0 that forces the camera into Portrait Mode.  This firmware is available for download at the bottom of the product page.  There are also instructions on how to apply the update.  An automatic FW update is coming in October via the LVstudio App.

2. AI. Trigger for Left Handed golfers not working.  Left handed players will not be able to activate AI trigger recordings.  Resolution:  This is a missing feature and will be added shortly

3. AI Trigger crashes App after 5-10 minutes.  When using AI trigger it puts heavy strain on Apple CPU.  This will cause Apple to shut down LVStudio to reduce power consumption.  Time to shutdown varies by device.  More powerful (recent generation) iPads and iPhones will last longer. We are working on a reduced power version of AI.  Resolution: Starting in 1.5.4 there is an option under AI Settings to set “Accurate Pose” model to “OFF” to reduce power consumption and improve AI reliability.  Please also make sure to use LVStudio on at least an A12 processor device.  


For Android and FireOS

Current App Alerts:
The Most Current Android Version is 1.2.7

(Improved stability, Memory management to improve performance)
Please also see the following advisories that we are currently aware of:

1. Mirror Mode Not Working for LVPro2. Mirror mode is not working on LVPro2.  Resolution: The fix is in V1.2.5 but also require update to FW 3.0. This firmware is available for download at the bottom of the product page. .  There are also instructions on how to apply the update.  An automatic FW update is coming in January via the LVstudio App.