
Dual Camera Video for LVPro

What is LVSync?

LVSync is a subscription add-on to your LVPro to enable dual camera capture for your practice sessions.  The cost is for the subscription is $9.99 per month or $99.99 for one year.

6 months free trial with 1 year subscription.

Receive a 6 month free trial when you SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 YEAR. Your first billing will not start until your trial expires and you can cancel for free anytime prior to that.

What Do I Need?

To Use LVSync You Need:

  • 1x LVPro Camera
  • 2x iOS 13 Device: need one device for use as Viewer (usually iPad) and second for use as camera (usually iPhone)


  • 2x LivePod 2: (can be any other tripod for holding the the LVPro in portrait mode and the second iOS Devices as camera)

ANDROID USERS: LVSync is still under development for Android users.  We have limited slots coming up for Android Beta testers.  Please contact us if you are interested in participating in our Android LVSync Beta Program.

How Does It Work?

For a full LVSync setup tutorial please see the video below: