
Dual Screen Practice with Rory

Announcing LV Studio Learn Even Faster!

We are proud to announce the next evolution of our ground breaking DSM™ technology to help you see what is real and learn faster than ever.  Our upcoming iOS LV Studio App adds key new features to make swing changes faster and track your progress along the way.

In the coming weeks we will begin beta testing and releasing new features including:

  • Split Screen Video (beta available)
  • Video Templates (beta available)
  • Cloud Video Storage *(March)
  • Coaching interface * (March)
  • Dual Camera Mode* (April)
  • Android Version (May)

*Premium Service requires subscription. The Dual Camera Mode will require a premium subscription because the second camera will be delivered as an app using your iPhone or iPad as a second camera. We will announce premium service pricing when features are released.


LV Studio replaces the original Live View Golf App for all LiveView +PLUS and LiveView PRO users.  The original app will be available for Live View Classic users and older hardware devices. 

If you are interested in testing all of the new features as soon as they become available, we have a limited number of slots available for beta testers. V5.5 Beta Testers will need to re-register since the code has been branched into a new app.  We recommend using an iPad Pro in early feature testing because code optimization for older devices is not scheduled until initial feature delivery is completed. 

For additional information on the Beta test, please see our Forum for more detailed information:

Beta Testers!

Please register using Apple’s Testflight App at the following link:

Guide for use of Dual Screen Video:


  • Do you have any Beta testing for Android users? I have a Samsung Galaxy S9+.

    • Android Beta testing will begin in May when we start the Android Development.

  • Trying LVStudio. When importing a video from my library I was not able to access the drawing and other tools. Content that I already have in the cloud are not opening up to allow me to upload into the add media folder.

    • The drawing and trim tools are available in the “Content” menu when first importing the file. Once the file is imported the file cannot be edited anymore. We are working on improving this.

  • Hi Shane,
    Is it still possible to beta test the dual camera feature for IOS devices?

    • If you register for the beta test, you will see the dual camera version in approx 2 weeks. we are still optimizing performance before releasing it to public beta test.

  • Do you need any additional Beta testers?
    at 7 min 21 seconds of your video above on drawing / importing media – on saving I see the public contents / however it is nowhere in my file folders or icloud. Beside the trash bin symbol, I DO NOT see the arrow with a folder which appears to be a icon for sharing / forwarding ? or resaving elsewhere?
    Is that a bug or a function of my ipad version?

    • I found it worked in the training videos – not in the reference content

      • Using the newly released LVStudio app you can draw lines in your “myPractice” videos and also when you create your own Content. Once the content has been created you cannot add lines to it.

  • Any chance there will be a duel camera mode where two live view cameras can be used simultaneously?

  • Hi. Just wondering if a release date has been scheduled for the dual camera sync. I know it was originally supposed to be April, but I haven’t been able to find any info on it. Thanks!

  • Hi there. I heard from a member of the AMG forum that you were accepting beta testers for the dual camera update. I’d LOVE to be part of it if that’d be possible. I have an iphone 8 an ipad 7 and ipad air 2 in addition to the live view camera if that helps.


    • Please contact to request to be added to the closed beta.

  • How about the dual camera beta for Android? When will it be releasing? Please include me. Thanks.

    • Android dual camera is coming next We will announce it here in the forums as well.

    • Is there a way to create reference content on the android version? I only see where you can download

  • Is this still active? It looks like dual camera view was due in March 2020 along with a number of other features, it’s now jan 2021 s d the feature releases seem to have stalled. I am a new camera user and love it, but dual camera would be awesome.

    • Feature development has shifted to the newer LVStudio App. The software is in the final testing stages and we are hoping to release it in the next few weeks. The system requires an iPhone 8 or better along with an iPad iOS 13 and above. We will send you an invitation to the beta test to try the dual camera.

      • Thanks Shane

        I have signed up to the beta in TestFlight and have it all installed, do I need to do anything to access dual camera, I cant see any way of doing it at the moment

        Running LVS on a iPad Pro with latest IOS, also have a iPhone 12 Pro with latest iOS


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