Digital Swing Mirror

"It's like having eyes in the back of your head"
Martin Hall,PGA - Golf Channel, School of Golf

Mirror Yourself for Faster Learning

Our Digital Swing Mirror (DSM) technology provides instant visual feedback just like a real mirror to match your body movements. This feedback links the visual and physical movements to create accurate kinesthetic feedback for dramatically accelerated learning.

See Yourself From
Any Angle

Better than a mirror, Live View Golf can be placed anywhere to monitor your swing from any angle.

Instant Replay

Practice More  - In Less Time
“I could immediately see the benefit in my own game. After
one practice session I added 20 yards to my 7 iron!”
Danie Steyn, PGA - Conshohocken, PA

Automatic Swing Detect

LiveView’s DSM™ can automatically record every swing during your practice session.   Using proprietary technology the LiveView app records 2 seconds prior and 2 second after ball  impact to provide your full swing sequence.

Instant Slow Motion Replay

Swings can also be set to play back automatically in slow motion to give you a sense for what is happening in a full swing.

Smart Guides

When your coach isn't there
“I've only had the camera for a few days, but in that short time I've made
discoveries and changes that I've been wrestling with for months.”
John Robinson - Orange, CA HDCP:7

Swing Tools Guide You

Draw  coaching objects that provide a clear reference to guide every practice swing.  Insert lines to indicate the correct swingplane, posts to track head and body movements, and circles to learn stable head position through all phases of your swing.

Persistent Lines Save Time

Once drawn, swing objects remain constant and stationary with every practice swing and are transferred automatically to recorded videos.

Save Templates for Future Use

Save line sets as templates for fast recall during your next practice session.

Simple to Setup & Use

"What makes Live View Golf unique is its simplicity in setting up”
Edward Levin, M.D. - Saratoga, CA HDCP 20

Wireless Convenience

Live View Golf is completely wireless.  With no cables to plug in and wires to tangle, you are free to place the camera anywhere you want.

No Internet Necessary

Live View Golf connects directly to your tablet over WiFi and Internet is NOT required for operation.

2 Hours Battery Life

The battery is designed for over 2 hours of continuous use so that you don’t have to stop practicing.

Practice Anywhere

Because Live View Golf lets you see and correct your pure swing mechanics, it is actually not even necessary to strike a ball to identify and fix swing problems. This means that you no longer have to make the trip to the driving range or worry about the weather conditions for your practice. Instead, you can keep working in your golf swing, day or night, rain or shine, a few minutes at a time whenever it’s convenient. In fact for training muscle memory, it is probably better to have lots of little practice sessions throughout the day to help you deeply ingrain the correct swing feel. With a solid muscle memory, that new swing feel will be there for you reliably when you actually go out to play.

Portable Studio

Golf Studio in your Pocket

Golf Studio

Until LiveView Golf, live video feedback required extensive equipment with PC desktops, expensive cameras and complicated wiring.   Studios were not only difficult to setup, they were expensive to maintain.

Fits in your Pocket

Live View Golf weighs less than 4 ounces – small enough to always carry in your bag – because the best tools are the ones we have with us…