How to share your Live View Golf Recordings

Set Up Main Photo Bg

We have gotten a lot of questions asking how to email or share a Live View Golf Recording.  In Android sharing is as simple as finding the Live View Golf directory on your device and either emailing directly from there, or transferring the files to a PC and then emailing from the PC:

in Android:

  1. connect your device to your computer (your device may ask you to allow file transfer or may need to be set to file transfer mode).
  2. Open the device in the file manager
  3. Your files will be in the directory “LiveView”

in iOS:

Sharing recordings in iOS is possible, but cumbersome at the moment.  We are working on streamlining this process so that sharing your LVG recording will be as simple and intuitive as emailing a photo from your photoroll.  The fix is expected to be live in early March, but for now you can still share your video with your friends and coach in iOS by saving your files to your PC:


  • Connect your device to your computer using iTunes
  • Select your iPad (or iPhone) in the iOS menu


  • Select Apps


  • Under Apps scroll down until you see “Live View Golf”


  • Click on Live View Golf and see a folder “video”


  • Select the folder and “Save To” your desired storage location.
  • Once the files are saved to your PC, you can attach your video to any email.



    • Victor, There may be an additional complication due to iOS synching some content to the iCloud. I have found that you have to turn of cloud synching in order to see your AVI files on your local device. Due to the unwillingness of Apple to expose file system information to the consumer, getting individual files out of the iCloud is very difficult. We are planning a software update in the next 4 weeks that will dramatically simplify transferring video files by moving all video into your photo roll. From there you can email or share your swing videos in any way you choose. Please bear with us while we are working on improving the User Experience.

      Shane Yang
      Live View Golf Founder.

  • Shane,

    Love the product. Please tell eveyone who is working on this that it is one of many KEYS TO SURVIVAL.

  • Is it possible to include the drawn in lines in the videos we export? At present, the lines I drew in do not appear in my exported videos.

    Thank you!

    • Yes, the email sharing of videos will burn the lines into the video for easy sharing via email, social media or any other method to share content.

  • Will you please advise when exactly the update will be released that will allow us to export our videos within the app?

    • Email sharing will be available with the next major release which is now in early stage beta testing. If everything goes according to schedule we expect to release the new version in early March, 2017

  • Shane
    Thanks for response. I can now see the videos in their Directory. Looking forward to day we can see lines in the videos.

  • Just tried LiveViewGolf for the first time to rest the system. Recommend by Martin Chuck at the Tour Striker Golf Academy. Would love an easier way to share the videos take on iPad and to copy them to my Edufii training space. When will we be able to accomplish this?

    Thanks for a great and necessary product!



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