Category: Blog

iOS App Update

iOS App Update Set Up Main Photo Bg

LiveViewGolf Swingtools for iOS have just been updated on iTunes!  The latest version includes mirror mode for use when doing front facing video and some UI enhancements and performance optimizations.  Please update now to get access to these new features!

Live View Golf 2.0

Live View Golf 2.0 Set Up Main Photo Bg

We are live!  Welcome to our new website.  We plan on doing more updates and more instructional videos.  Subscribe to our Twitter feed and Youtube channel to keep up with the latest on Live View Golf. My deepest thanks and gratitude also goes out to each of our backers on Kickstarter who made it possible to get […]

Creating Lag with the Pump Drill

Creating Lag with the Pump Drill Set Up Main Photo Bg

One key component to improve your distance is creating good clubhead lag through impact. Patrick Parrish shows a drill to teach yourself how generate more lag using the “Pump Drill”. The pump drill can also be simulated effectively using the Live View Golf camera, by drawing a vertical line next to your left hip in […]

Kickstarter is Live!

Kickstarter is Live! Set Up Main Photo Bg

Our Kickstarter campaign is now live!  We are raising money to fund our initial hard tooling to go into final production.  We have one special reward for X-Mas for your golfers.  We are preparing a set of 20 cameras as part of the final beta test.  The cameras will have all of our final electronics, but […]