Automatic Swing Detection!


We are now in beta with our upcoming feature to make your practice even more productive.  SWING DETECT– is designed to sense when you hit a ball, and automatically record each swing.  because each swing is recorded individually in a 4 second file, reviewing your swing is super simple and convenient.  Swing Detect is currently in Beta for Android and will be coming to iOS in the coming weeks as well.  ANDROID DOWNLOAD.



  • Since this was posted on Sept 28, I expected to find it available for iOs by now – but didn’t find. Is it now available?

    • Yes this features is now live in Live View Golf for iOS version 5.2 Activate the automatic swing detect by clicking on the microphone icon on the left side and adjust the sound sensitivity

  • I have a really hard time with the sensitivity when hitting balls at a range with a roof. Other golfers who are hitting driver near by often trigger the swing detect even when my sound setting is at the highest level. This basically renders this feature unusable, any recommendations?

    • False positives at the driving range is one of the weaknesses of sound trigger. Drivers are especially hard to filter out because they are so loud. Try setting the iPad near your ball and set the sensitivity to “loud”. It should help with irons around you but Drivers will still be a problem. Another option is to use a remote control to trigger your swings. The remote control is available on our website. LiveView SmartRemote


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